Yamor is a cultural celebration often referred to as “the happiest party in the friendliest city in the country” where, each year, the locals combine devotion to the Virgin Mary of Monserrate with their gratitude to the Pacha Mama for the fertile land and the crops. The party originated in the Monserrat neighborhood, in Otavalo, which is a province of Imbabura, in 1952. The first celebration was had to thank María de Monserrat, the patron saint of Otavalo, and the Pacha Mama for the abundant corn harvest. The celebration also includes many traditional dishes and drinks such as the chicha del yamor. From 1953 on, it called the “Yamor” festival after the popular dish. This festival is held every year, from the end of August until the first week of September. During this time many fun events take place in Otavalo and the neighboring communities.